Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Caption Me, DC at Night Edition

Last night, we totally lived it up. We went to dinner in Chinatown and took an evening stroll. There's just something magical about DC at night. Or, maybe it's just the feeling of knowing that you've got a baby sitter at home and not a care in the world.

Regardless, it seemed like I should take some pictures to capture the mood. I don't think I managed to do that, but at least I tried.

Quick story: we were outside the Whitehouse, and I was bragging to a friend about how slick my new Galaxy S3's camera is. I explained it had voice operation, and proceeded to hold it up and loudly say: "Shoot! Shoot!" - at which point I realized that probably wasn't the right phrase to be yelling in that location. I then switched to "Capture!" Less chance of getting tackled by Secret Service.

Anyone care to tack a crack at captioning these guys?

Come on, you know you've got a caption for these guys:

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