It was a weekend of family Simchas as we celebrated Dovid and Chana's birthday, and Tzipora receiving her first siddur. This made for a whirlwind trip to Boston, but boy was it worth the exhaustion.
Friday morning, bright and early, we assembled to watch Tzipora and her classmates receive their first siddur. They put on quite the presentation / play, which was all done in Hebrew. Tzipora had quite a few solo moments, during which an entire row of family beamed with pride.
It was too chilly on Shabbat to venture outside, but Shira and I came prepared for this. Before we arrived, I had a Marble Genius Super Run shipped to the house, and we spent a good part of the day putting together various configurations. The kids were patient as we tried to figure out the best strategy for having 4 children build all at once. But we got there. I've had plenty of experiences where a toy didn't live up to the picture on the box, but not this time. We really did have a blast building various tracks for the marbles, and there were enough pieces in the box to make for interesting structures. Definitely a fun toy for the whole family.
After lunch, we played Bananagrams, a game that's known to be a hit among the adults. This time, however, Shira played with Tzipora and I played with Dovid. Shira and Tzipora won a few games, and Tzipora demonstrated impressive trash talking skills. What can I say, she's a natural born competitor who loves to win. Pairing her with her Aunt Shira made for quite a team.
Before we knew it, it was Sunday morning, where we had a delightful family learning activity at the kids' school. In the span of an hour, we ate, made matzo by hand, crafted a drum in honor of Miriam and banged around on various school instruments. It was tons of fun, and the kids all did great. From there, we did a few last minute preparations, and then it was time for the Twins to have their birthday party.
The kids had their party at a climbing gym, which was an awesome venue. All the kids gave it their all to climb, but Gavriella was clearly the most fearless. She, in her special kiddie sized harness, was just too adorable. Alas, we didn't have time at the gym to climb ourselves, nor did we have a chance to stay for cake. But when we left, everyone was having a blast.
9 years. Just where did the time go?!

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