Monday, March 07, 2022

Colvin Run Mill: Pretty Flowers and Visions of Hand Crafted Maple Syrup

On the surface, it looked like our timing to visit Colvin Run Mill was off. We arrived, and left, before the mill opened and the day's Maple Syrup Boil Down event started. And yet, the day couldn't have been more perfect.

We had the place to ourselves as we walked around the mill, admiring the crocuses and other brilliant spring flowers. The small grounds were the perfect size for G to toddle around.

We walked by a park ranger stoking the fire which would be used for the Maple Syrup Boil Down later in the day. He told us a bit about the setup, and explained how straightforward making maple syrup is. David and I were sold: we'll have to tap some trees on David's property and totally try our hand at this.

After walking around Colvin Run Mill's grounds, we made our way to the nearby Colvin Run Trail. The plan was to get in a hike, but we got distracted by the run itself. If there's a more fun pastime than picking up rocks and chucking them into a body of water, I've not yet found it. So that's what we did. And it was awesome.

I'll be glad to get back to Colvin Run Mill when we can fully explore it. But as a kid friendly, low key, just relax and enjoy the Spring of Deception kind of day, this was beyond perfect.

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