Wednesday, July 05, 2023

Scenes from a Fourth

When we want a quick and easy place to watch the Fourth of July fireworks, we usually head over to the Air Force Memorial. Unfortunately, the area is under construction. This year, the closest we could get was to the intersection of South Nash St. and Columbia Pike. There was a bunch of construction equipment in the way, but we hoped the fireworks would be visible.

As we waited for the fireworks to start, I snapped a pic of a nearby weed which I couldn't identify. Google Lens told me I was looking at White goosefoot, aka lamb's quarter.

I was delighted: lamb's quarter is a frequently recommended wild edible that I've never seen growing in the wild. I tried to explain just how cool this find was to Shira, but she wasn't impressed. I nibbled on a few leaves: as suggested, it tastes more or less like spinach. Typically, once I've seen a plant growing locally, I'll start to notice it everywhere. Hopefully that will be the case with this guy.

As the crowds started to arrive, they naturally pushed past the flimsy construction barriers. Ironically, the location they were trespassing was situated directly in front of a Virginia State Police office. At one point two Arlington police officers showed up. They looked at the scene, and one literally shrugged his shoulders and the two of them got back in their SUV and drove away.

We're assuming that the folks on the roof of the Virginia State Police building work there. Shira and I have walked past that office countless times and we've only ever seen the occasionally police cruiser go in or out. So it was a bit surreal to see actual employees associated with the building.

At 9:09pm, the sky light up with fireworks. Our view, especially considering how little effort we put into this, was perfect. The show was on point.

Happy Independence Day, y'all!

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