If your parents pass through DC, you're going to have to take them to lunch. If you're going to take them to lunch, you might as well take them to a delicious Kosher restaurant.

And after the restaurant, Mom's going to want to take a walk. And if you're going to take a walk, you might as well take in some history. And in DC, history is always a few blocks away.

And because you're parents are both scientists, you're going to want to show them one way DC tried to be the scientific center of the world.

And because you're parents are just passing through this trip, but coming back to stay for a month in a few weeks, you're going to want to take them to the Smithsonian Vistor's Center, aka, the Castle.

And if you're in the Smithsonian Castle, you're going to want to visit the very cool Commons Gallery, which is a sort of preview of what you can find in Smithsonian museums.

And because you had such a great time hanging out with your parents, they're going to want to pass through DC again.
This post is inspired by If you Give a Moose a Cookie. Apologies to the author for my groan-worthy parity.
Looks so fun!