First we had our Million Dollar Bus Stop. Then we had our 3 minutes of fame for our jail and now this: $350,000 Water Treatment Plant fence art project. And what does $350,000 in art buy you? On the surface, not as much as you might think. David and I ran by the display yesterday and here's a couple of snapshots:

Naturally, many are quick to dismiss the project. As usual, the comments on arlnow don't disappoint, with one of the top ones being this one right here:
I hope these artists are relatives of the official that approved this project. I would like to think that this is the result of graft and corruption rather than just stupidity and aesthetic incompetence.
Or this one:
Most 6-year olds could attach their plastic toys to a fence, which is what this looks like was done. Geez, AC just loves, loves, loves to spend money. Was this part of a leftover slush fund after the Artishpere was closed?
Come to think of it, maybe we should have hired our nieces and nephew for the job.
Joking aside, I'm not so quick to call the project a flop. Before you decry this project as a waste, or inferior, check out this video that tackles the age old question: how to appreciate art when you're pretty sure you or your 6 year old could have done the same thing.
As the video suggests, we shouldn't be saying I could do that, but rather ask Why did they do that? I don't have the answer, but I'd be up for going to back to the exhibit and trying to tease out the answer to this question.
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