Monday, June 30, 2008

Day 10: Wandering Munich

The final day of our trip included a short stop over in a Munich. We wandered around, and of course, found our way into a beer garden. It's such a shame that we only had a few hours to look around - the city is quite gorgeous, and seems really accessible. It's also way more open and spread out than the Italian cities we've been visiting - which was a nice change of pace.

Looks like we're going to have to add Munich to our list of cities to come back and visit.

Special thanks to our friend Vivien - who was our seat mate on the flight to Barcelona that started this trip. She gave us all sorts of useful info about Munich that turned out to be invaluable.

OK, it's time to catch our train back to the airport, and then back to reality.

Wow, this trip went fast. But what an awesome trip it was!

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