Friday, April 17, 2015

The Definitive Ranking of Quest Bar Flavors

Do the diet and exercise thing long enough and eventually you'll decide you need to strategically consume protein bars. At least that's what Shira and Dawn tell me. And when you do this, you'll need to find not only a bar that has the stats you're looking for, but ideally doesn't taste awful nor has an ingredient list that belongs in a chem lab. When you get to this point, I'd suggest trying Quest Protein Bars. Any bar that meets Shira and Dawn's high standards has to be good, right?

They tasted a number of bars from the variety pack, and here's how they got ranked. Note: they microwaved the bars a few seconds to soften them up.

And here's their tasting notes:

#1 - Peanut Butter Supreme: Yummy! (there you have it, high praise)

#2 - Peanut Butter & Jelly: Yummy! Whoa, that really does have a jelly taste. Amazing. (I agree. Where did that flavor come from?)

#3 - Chocolate Peanut Butter: Pretty good, but more chocolate than peanut butter tasting.

#4 - Banana Nut-Muffin: Uh, where's the banana flavor? Not impressed. (Though, I was. It's definitely got some banana flavor)

#5 - Apple Pie: Too sweet

While not in the above tasting session, Shira tells me that the Lemon flavor should be ranked #3, and Dawn tells me that Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough should also be ranked #3.

Apparently no flavor is breaking into the top 2 without a heavy dose of peanut butter.

There are more flavors in the variety pack with more tasting updates to come...

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