Happy 2008 everyone!
While it was great hanging out with friends last night at the New Years Eve Shindig we went to, the really impressive part was getting to play with some modern toys. Mainly: A Nintendo Wii and Xbox 360 Rock Band. Shira got into the Wii and totally mastered bowling - which has you actually swinging the controller like you're at a bowling alley. And I took on Rock Band - I even managed to get a 96% on the guitar once, and 94% for singing (both on the easy setting).
Both games are absolutely remarkable and totally change how you think of video games and gamers.
Wish you all the best in 2008 - may you master all challenges you go after, not just the virtual ones. Here are a few photos from the night...
Julie's tip: Add pomegranate seeds to your bubbly. The bubbles will cause the little guys to float and swirl. Can you say party in your glass?
Shira demonstrating perfect Wii bowling technique. She's a natural!
Us. But with a bonus- now you can see how I'd look with a comb over!
Gamers are anti-social, right? Think again. Rock Band is all about rocking out with your buddies. Apparently, you can even rock out with strangers on the 'Net. How cool is that?

Does this photo even need a caption? Don't think so. Rock On!!!
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